3 Things You Should Do To Avoid To Prevent Sink Blockage

It’s the worst feeling in the world when your sink backs up and you can’t get that disgusting mess out of there. 

There are so many things that could cause a Blocked Drains Doncaster, from food debris to grease buildup to hair and toothpaste residue. 

But luckily, you can avoid this problem entirely by simply taking care of your plumbing system regularly. Here are five things you should do to make sure your sink remains clear:

Strain to erase the blockage pain

  • Use a plunger: Plungers are the first line of defense for many blockages, so give it a try before you do anything else. If you have one on hand and there’s a Blocked Drains Doncaster, plunge away! 
  • Use drain cleaner: Drain cleaners can be purchased at most grocery stores, hardware stores, and even big box retailers like Target or Walmart.  
  • They come in liquid form that you pour down your drain along with some water and let sink in for a few minutes before running hot water through it and flushing out with more hot water (run cold water because this will shock any remaining soda crystals). 
  • Use snake: You may need to call on professional help if none of these tricks work—or if they get your sink back up again after it seems to work—so consider trying a snake next time (you can buy them at any hardware store).  
  • Snakes are long flexible tubes inserted into drains to clear out debris blocking the flow of water through them; they’re handy because they allow you to reach where plumbers can’t go without having direct access themselves!

3 Things You Should Do To Avoid To Prevent Sink Blockage

Avoid grease to be at peace  

For the kitchen sink, you should avoid grease to be at peace. Grease is a common cause of blockage in the kitchen sink. 

Many people do not know how to dispose of grease properly, so they throw into the trash or wash it down with water. If you want your kitchen sink to be free from blockages, then you need to avoid using too much or cooking with grease as much as possible.

To remove greasy residue from your sink, add some hot water and detergent into a bowl and mix them together until they form a paste-like substance. 

Then apply this mixture onto your drain in circular motions using a toothbrush or any other cleaning tool that can fit into small spaces (we recommend using an old toothbrush). After applying enough paste on top of your drain hole, run hot water through it for about 30 seconds before flushing everything down with cold water for another 30 seconds again. 

Repeat this process until all traces of oil have been removed from inside each part of your drains system including its pipes too!

Melt the debris away with water

Melt the debris away with plenty of water in case of Blocked Drains Doncaster or sink blockage. Hot water melts fat, which means you can use boiling water to melt away any grease or oil that may be blocking your sink. 

However, this should be done with caution as it can cause splashing accidents if you’re not careful! Simply pour a large amount of boiling water down the drain and wait for it to clear out whatever is clogging your drain line. Then, repeat this process until there’s no more residue in your sink or on its sides.


Your sink can be a mess, but it doesn’t have to be. Use the tips we’ve given you here, and your bathroom will be much more organised and efficient.

Written by Orange Blog

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