Will a Rental Open House Make It Easier to Fill Your Vacancy?

When it comes to renting, there are a lot of factors at play for you and your property. The biggest one is how quickly you can fill the vacancy. Hiring Rangiora property management can be the best reliable option to find good tenants for the property.

This means that any sort of tactic that improves your odds will be worth trying out. In this article, we’ll discuss whether or not holding an open house helps with filling vacancies faster and which types of properties are more likely to benefit from this tactic.

Open houses give renters a chance to see the property 

If you’re struggling to fill your vacancies, an open house may be the solution. Open houses give renters a chance to see the property without making an appointment with rangiora property management  experts or scheduling a showing.

Open houses allow renters to visit rental property without making an appointment—and this can be especially helpful for last-minute requests. 

If you have any openings left in your calendar, it’s always good practice to keep them open for potential walk-ins and first-time visitors that might not have used their time wisely in advance of visiting. 

It’s also worth mentioning that although this may seem like an inconvenience at first glance, it’s actually one of the most effective ways for people who are already interested in renting from you (or even just looking around) to come by and get some face time with potential new tenants!

rangiora property management

Open houses can help create urgency 

If you’re in a competitive market, an open house can create urgency and make renters feel like they need to act now. The more people who attend your open house and see the property, the more likely it is that one of those people will want to rent it.

Open houses may also help you find tenants who wouldn’t otherwise have been interested in your property. Tenants who tend to shy away from traditional leasing methods may use this opportunity as an excuse to learn more about your rental unit and company while they are visiting another tenant’s property at the same time!

Open houses allow you to showcase the home’s best features

Open houses are a great way to get potential renters into your home, but they can also help you showcase its best features without the help of rangiora property management expert. You’ll be able to show them how spacious the rooms are, how well-equipped the kitchen is, and even what kinds of amenities you have on site. 

By doing this, you’re giving potential renters more information they need before they make their final decision about which place they want to rent—and since most people don’t want to spend hours searching online for that info, an open house might be just what it takes for them to make up their minds quickly!

Open houses can also create urgency in a renter’s mind by making them feel like there isn’t much time left before their options run out: “If I don’t act now, someone else will snap up this place.”


We believe that open houses can be a great way to fill your vacancies faster. Not only do they give renters a chance to see the property without making an appointment, but they also allow you to showcase the home’s best features and create urgency. 

In addition, if someone doesn’t like what they see at an open house, it may motivate them to act sooner, so they don’t miss out on other opportunities! If you’re looking for ways to fill your vacancies more quickly or want more information, then contact rangiora property management professionals today.

Written by Orange Blog

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