Why Should I Use Electric Outdoor Blinds, And Are They Worth It?

Electric outdoor blinds are usually seen as fashionable, luxurious, and high-end home decor items, which can be a statement piece for homes on the market or holiday rentals. They are an amazing way to ensure unity amongst blinds throughout the home. They keep your window coverings looking neat and nice with no cords hanging and catching, and all blinds can be operated individually or together.

There are many advantages to consider when deciding if electric outdoor blinds are indeed “worth it.”

Child Safety    

All blinds must comply with strict regulations when already installed in the home. Some people do not comply nor are aware of these regulations and do not consider what the outcome of having an unsecured cord can be. 

Having blinds in Adelaide that do not have pull cords or strings attached makes outdoor electric blinds the perfect choice for those with small children. Through the touch of a button, the height of the blinds can be adjusted, making them a much safer option.

Great For Windows That Aren’t Easily Accessible

Electric outdoor blinds are perfect for windows that are not easily accessible. The high ceiling is one of the latest trends, and what comes with high ceilings are high windows that are hard to reach. 

Electric window furnishings are an ideal option for high or large windows as this helps to stop damage to the blinds that might be too heavy for manual operation.

Remote Control Operation

These blinds Adelaide can be controlled using a remote as well as home automation apps and technology on your tablet or smartphone once installed. This is one of the great alternatives to a manual blind for those with mobility/ disability issues and is a great option for those who have struggled to use manual blinds.

blinds Adelaide


Electric outdoor blinds provide much more security! Did you know that over 80 percent of forced entries into the home target the windows? It’s a shocking statistic. Windows are the gaps in the armor plate of your home. 

All of that changes with outdoor electric blinds. Quicker to close automatically, they defend the access points to your home.

What About The Cost?

Electric outdoor blinds are more costly than manually operated blinds, but they are most effective and make lives easy and secure. This cost varies on the size of the blind, the fabric and whether you have decided to go hard-wired or battery-operated. 

The Future Is Here

Smart technology isn’t just for your television, air-conditioner, lighting and security. It is now available for your blinds and curtains.

One of your everyday jobs is opening and closing your blinds. They are used to control light, provide privacy, and keep your home from becoming too cold or hot. Now blinds can be controlled by your smartphone by downloading a specific app. 

This technology is so advanced that you can control the blinds anywhere in your home! 


We hope that this blog shows how an electric outdoor blind installation would be worth adding to your home and business. If you want top-notch blinds in Adelaide that will transform your outdoor living spaces into practical all-weather zones without crank handles or unsightly ropes, connect with the leading blinds company for a great product. 

Written by Orange Blog

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