Signs to Tell When You Need to Replace Your Water Filter

Water filters are an essential part of your household. They ensure that your household’s water is clean and healthy. However, they do have a limited lifespan. You will need to replace them at some point or the other. If you don’t replace the filter, it may cause damage to the entire system or even worse, it may contaminate your drinking water with harmful elements such as bacteria and heavy metals. Here are some signs that indicate that you should replace your water filter right away:

Scale buildup due to high TDS

TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids and is a measure of all the dissolved minerals, salts, metals and other compounds in your water. TDS can also be referred to as Total Hardness or Mineral Content. TDS is usually measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm).

TDS can come from the following sources:

  • Minerals found naturally in the local water supply
  • Minerals added to the water supply by industrial processes or human activities such as agriculture and manufacturing plants
  • Minerals that are dissolved from pipes, plumbing fixtures, heating systems, hot water tanks and appliances like dishwashers

Signs to Tell When You Need to Replace Your Water Filter

The Water Leaves a Bad Taste

If you notice that your water has a bad taste, it’s a sign that you need to replace your filter. The most common reason for this is high TDS (total dissolved solids) in the water.

TDS is a measure of the amount of minerals like calcium and magnesium in water. It’s measured in parts per million (ppm). If you have high levels of these minerals in your tap water, it can leave a bitter or metallic taste when consumed.

To test for high TDS levels with an accurate result, use an electronic tester called a Total Dissolved Solids Meter.

Decrease in water pressure

If water pressure is low, you may need to replace your filter. The buildup of particles in the filter can reduce its ability to produce sufficient flow and pressure. This is especially true if you live in an area with hard water that contains minerals and metals which can clog up the pores of your filter over time. If this happens, it may no longer be possible for it to remove these particles from your water so that only clean water passes through it.

If you notice a decrease in water pressure when using faucets or showerheads, then there may be blockages somewhere else along the system (e.g., at a clogged pipe). This could mean that more than just one component needs replacing—the entire system could be at fault!

Cloudiness in filtered water

Another sign that you need a new filter is cloudiness in the filtered water. This can be caused by sediment build-up inside the filter or mineral deposits that have built up on top of it. If there are particles floating around in your drinking water, then it’s time to replace the filter!


If you’re noticing these signs and symptoms, it might be time to replace your filter. It’s important that you don’t ignore these signs, because if you do there could be more serious problems later on down the road.

Written by Orange Blog

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