How Frequently Should Professionals Clean Carpets?

There’s nothing like the feeling of walking barefoot across a carpet that’s just been professionally cleaned. The softness, the sheen, the scent—it’s pure bliss. It’s also a sign that you’ve taken good care of your space and made an investment in its longevity.

But how often should you have your carpets professionally cleaned? This depends on several factors: whether pets or children are in your home, what kind of stain protection is on the carpet (some last longer than others), and how clean (or dirty) you keep them between cleanings. The good news is that professional Carpet Cleaning Services can extend the life of your carpets by seven years with proper maintenance!

Vacuuming is the most important way to keep your carpet clean.

The most important way to keep your carpet clean is to vacuum it consistently. Vacuuming removes dirt, dust and debris from the carpet and is essential to carpet maintenance. If you don’t vacuum your carpets regularly, they will become dirtier faster than if you vacuum them more often.

Vacuuming can remove up to 80% of the soil in your carpet and leave them looking clean, but it won’t remove stains or spots or make them last longer. For this reason alone, regular professional cleaning by a professional cleaner is highly recommended for most carpets!

Carpet Cleaning Melbourne

Cleaning is necessary not just for appearance but also for your health.

The appearance of your carpets is important, but so is their effect on your health. Carpets collect dust particles, allergens and other irritants that can cause respiratory problems and other health issues if not cleaned properly. A regular professional cleaning will help keep the house clean and free from contaminants that can affect asthma symptoms, allergies or sinus infections. It may even improve sleep quality by reducing airborne dust mites. Regular carpet cleaning will increase indoor air quality and help you breathe better!

It’s best to have carpets professionally cleaned every two years.

Professional cleaning is the best way to keep your carpets clean, and it’s also one of the most cost-effective ways to do so. The professional cleaning will remove dirt and stains that you can’t remove by vacuuming alone. By having your carpets professionally cleaned every two years, you’ll be saving money in the long term and making them look better immediately! You’ll also be extending their life expectancy by keeping them clean and fresh.

Professional cleaning can extend the life of your carpets by seven years.

  • Reduces the need for replacement: Keeping your carpets clean reduces their exposure to dirt and dust that can cause wear over time. This means that you are less likely to have to replace them sooner than if they hadn’t been cleaned regularly. In fact, professional carpet cleaning has been proven to extend the life of most carpets by seven years or more!
  • Saves money: With an average lifespan of five years (and with some types lasting as little as one year), this makes sense—the longer your carpet lasts, the less often it needs replacing and buying new ones will save you tons of money in the long run!
  • Keeps home clean: A professional deep clean is much better than regular vacuuming at preventing allergens from getting into your carpeting, which means fewer trips to see a doc or asthma inhalers needed by family members who suffer from allergies like hay fever or eczema symptoms when exposed too long in their home environments without proper air filtration systems installed throughout every room where people spend most of their time during any given day.


We hope you’ve learned something new about the importance of professional Carpet Cleaning Melbourne. With so many benefits to this service, we encourage you to make a commitment to clean your carpets every two years. It doesn’t take much time—just a few hours for most people—and it can save you money in the long run!

Written by Orange Blog

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