6 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying House And Land Packages

If you’re buying House And Land Packages South Adelaide, it’s really important to make sure that the land is up to scratch. It’s easy to fall in love with the idea of owning your own home, but the reality is that there are many things to consider before making any sort of commitment. If you’re buying land and building onto it yourself or having someone else do it for you, here are some mistakes that you could be making:

  1. Not checking the site plans and contract documents thoroughly

When you’re buying House And Land Packages South Adelaide, it’s important to check the site plans and contract documents thoroughly. These documents are part of the process when purchasing property, so make sure you read them thoroughly before signing anything.

The site plan shows where the house is located on the block, where services will be connected (power, gas, water), as well as any encumbrances such as easements or covenants that apply to your lot.

The building contract includes information about what types of materials will be used in construction, who is responsible for paying for each element of work involved in building your home (you or the builder), how much money you can expect to pay upfront before settlement day (this may vary depending on which state you live in).

  1. Checking the site plan for all of the details

While you are making your comparison, it’s important to check all of the details on the site plan. Check for the location of the house, garage and boundary fences. You need to make sure that you won’t be next to a major road or railway line, as this could affect noise levels in your new home.

Also, check if there is any land included in your purchase because this can save you money on legal fees later on in life, as well as provide an opportunity to build a shed or pool if needed.

  1. Not checking the property’s area and its block dimensions.

You need to check the property’s area and block dimensions. This information is usually available in the contract documents or can be obtained from your agent.

Check the site plan for any easements or shared access points that may affect your enjoyment of the land (eg, if there are two properties on one title but they are separated by 50 metres of paddock).

Check what should be included in these documents – many don’t detail all relevant information, such as certificates of buildings compliance, drainage plans, topography surveys etc., so ask your lawyer to obtain these as part of their due diligence process.

  1. Not checking other boundaries correctly.

The boundaries of a property can have a big impact on your life. If you don’t check them fully, it’s likely that you’ll discover something less than ideal after you move in. While it’s important to check the boundaries of neighbouring properties, it’s also worth checking:

  • The road outside the house (if there is one)
  • Council land around the house
  • Railway tracks and train lines nearby
  • River banks
  1. Forgetting to check your bank’s valuation of the property.

The bank will value the property to determine how much it will lend you. The lender will use this valuation to determine how much they are willing to lend, which in turn determines how much deposit you need to put down and what size mortgage rate you are likely to get. If your valuation is high, the lender may decide that it would not be a good risk in case things go wrong or if there is major depreciation in prices (for example, if there is an economic downturn).

  1. Buying a house that is not built on a solid foundation.

The first thing you want to do is make sure that the house you are buying House And Land Packages South Adelaide has been built on a solid foundation. This is extremely important because the foundation will determine if the entire house will stand up in the long run.

When looking at potential properties, it’s important to start by checking the site plans and contract documents thoroughly. You also want to check if there are any physical defects with your property, such as cracks or uneven ground levels.

Make sure that all other boundaries are accurately drawn and mapped out as well. Finally, make sure your bank’s valuation of this property matches what you have agreed upon when purchasing land packages near me!


So, now you know the mistakes that people often make when buying a house. Make sure you don’t fall into them, or else your dream home will turn into a nightmare!

Written by Orange Blog

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